FREEDOM NATIONAL COMMITTEE was founded by patriot, entrepreneur, businessman, Mike Whipple in the heartland of America. Our goal is a congress and a president that supports the will of the people of America. And through a government truly of the people to halt the destruction of America and the erosion of our freedoms.
FREEDOM NATIONAL COMMITTEE was formed as an alternative to national party PACs that support the party instead of America. As our patriotic men and women step up to take a stand for freedom and against evil they need our help. If they are willing to spend their time, effort, and money, and to endure the vitriolic slander and character assassination from the Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, we need to stand with them. We need patriotic men and women of integrity who will put Americans first, not the party, not the government and not themselves.
FREEDOM NATIONAL COMMITTEE will support only candidates who will secure the border, stop the invasion of illegal aliens, end the smuggling of dangerous drugs, and help eliminate the trafficking of women and children.
FREEDOM NATIONAL COMMITTEE will support only candidates who are committed to shrink government, reduce its intrusion into our lives, support our freedoms of speech, religion, right to life, and right to bear arms as well as a prosperous economy that benefits hard working Americans.
FREEDOM NATIONAL COMMITTEE works to wake up Americans to the danger at hand. America is on fire and the Leftists, Marxists, Progressives are pouring on the gasoline. We are in a war to save America. Help us expose the truth about the border, the economy, energy, censorship and the destruction of our freedoms.